The Features installer allows users to install, modify, and update modules.

The items and buttons in the Features installer may vary depending on whether or not a module has been installed.

  1. Repair: This button allows users to repair and reinstall a module.
  2. Modify: This button allows users to modify and reinstall a module.
  3. Uninstall: This button allows users to remove an installed module.
  4. Update: This button allows users to update all installed modules to the latest version.
  5. Change Feature File: This button allows users to change the software lock or feature.dat file.
  6. Back: This button allows users to return to the previous form.
  7. Install: This button allows users to install the module(s) for the system.

To install the module, first select the checkbox next to the desired module, then click on the Install button.

Depending on the selected module, after clicking the Install or Update button, the settings associated with each module will be displayed on a single page. The following sections will contain installation configurations associated with each module.