Interactive Chart control is use to create Dashboard. Dashboards are used for Data visualization by displaying KPIs​. A form contains data visualization controls​.
Data visualization controls could be Charts, Tables or Grids.
Types of charts : Pie, Column, Line, Point.. etc.​
Drilldown could be applied

Steps in doing an Interactive Chart

  1. Create a new application. Provide the name and title.
  2. Create a new Entity.
  3. Create entity properties.
  4. Create Form from Entity
  5. Enter data
  6. Create Dashboard form
  7. Drag and drop Interactive chart control​
  8. Chart properties. Open chart properties and click on add data source type.
  9. KPI
    1. Give the KPI a name and Title.
    2. Write a query.(You can get name of a table by adding “BPMAPP_” prefix to EntityName)
    3. Click on Execute then Click on “Save & Exit” 
  10. Give the chart a Title
  11. Add pie chart(Could be bar, line, etc depending on what you need and requirement)
  12. Select label and Value columns. These labels are available in the dropdowns and based in the query in the KPI.
  13. Deploy and Open dashboard