Zookeeper has a few settings that may be required to change.

Log Level

Zookeeper’s logs can be set to different levels. This is used mainly for diagnostic purposes; Green Hippo support may ask for this to be changed to help trace an issue.

Restore Default Layouts

Resets the user layouts (custom pinboards) or the Mixes and Viewports page.

Import Zookeeper Settings

Allows saved Pinboards and Layouts to be applied to the local Zookeeper from a file

Export Zookeeper Settings

Saves the current Pinboards and Layouts to a file.

Zookeeper Network Adapter

Choose which Network adapter Zookeeper uses to communicate with the engine.

The network adapter with green text is currently in use. (Wi-Fi in the above example)

If the Loop-back adapter is used the local system will not be visible to other Hippotizer’s on the network.

A more in depth discussion of Networking in Hippotizer is here.


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