The following steps should be followed to install Diffuser for use with Transport Expresso:
# Step
01 Within each Development System, enter your Diffuser license key by executing transaction /N/BTR/LICENSE (or /N/BTR/MDRLICENSE in older TE versions), then select the option Install and a dialog appears into which you can enter the key.
02 Within each of your development systems, define the program via transaction /n/BTR/MDR.
Enter /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_LINK (ie not the V2) and press Create with the radio button Program Definition selected.
“Generate Variant Internally” should be unchecked. If it is checked, go to change mode, untick it and save it. (this might ask for transport to be created, do so)
Interval size = 500-1000 is fine.
03 Within each of your development systems, define the program via transaction /n/BTR/MDR.
Enter /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_DELETE and press Create with the radio button Program Definition selected.
04 Perform the following backend configuration in each of the Development systems.
- A number range interval will need to be created for the range /BTI/TELID (using transaction SNRO)
- A variant for program /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_LINK called LINKAGECRT No objects should be ticked in the variant.
- A variant for program /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_DELETE called LINKAGEDEL
05 Run /BTI/TE_RLINKS_UPDATE_JOB_V2 in each of your development systems with the All released requests update checkbox set.
This will mark existing transports as processed.
06 Within each of your development systems, define the program via transaction /n/BTR/MDR.
Enter /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_LINK_V2 and press Create with the radio button Program Definition selected.
“Generate Variant Internally” should be unchecked. If it is checked, go to change mode, untick it and save it. (this might ask for transport to be created, do so)
07 run /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_LINK_V2, choose the option “Linkages set via object entry”, flag all object types and run it
This acts on objects and not transports, fairly big interval sizes like 500 or 1000 should be fine. Will take several hours to run.
08 Schedule /BTI/TE_RLINKS_UPDATE_JOB_V2 to run with frequency every 10 minutes, in each of your Development systems.
“Update Time Reference” should be checked in the variant that you schedule.
09 Switch on Deep Impact Analysis analyser in TE Windows GUI configuration. Parameter [Level] should = 1
10 Go to transaction SM30 and put the following 2 entries in the table /BTR/PROGARCH
Diffuser Program Ref. Age /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_DELETE 2 /BTI/TE_REP_MDR_OBJECT_LINK 211 Set up a daily job to run report /BTR/MDR_INSTANCE_DELETE (using transaction SM36). Make sure “test flag” is turned off in your variant.
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