ActiveControl includes a data archiving capability to ensure that the performance of the tool does not deterioate over time due to data constraints.
This can be used to archive historical tasks, transport forms, import runs and analysis history data.
Preparing for an archive
A new Task Creation Date field has been added in Transport Expresso 6.10.
This field needs to be populated for older tasks that were created before the addition of the field, by running /BTI/TE_RUUPDATE_TASK_CRT_DATE.
This must be done before performing the first ActiveControl archive.
Performing an archive
Archiving is performed by ActiveControl Administrators in the backend of the ActiveControl Domain Controller, via program /BTI/TE_RARCHIVE_ENGINE
This program can be used to archive as well as restore data. It can also be run in test mode where required.
Reporting on archived data
It is possible to run relevant reports relating to Activities, Events and Test Results on archived data.
This is done via the aforementioned reports, by making use of the options on the report selection screen.
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