Transport Expresso is designed to import transport requests into all relevant clients of an SAP system in a single action.

In Transport Expresso, each group of clients within an SAP system is called a target; the properties of a target specify the following:

  • The SAP system and clients that changes will be imported into.
  • The behaviour of imports into the target.
  • The team members who are authorised to approve changes into or out of the target.
  • The properties of a target do not determine whether changes must be approved into, approved out of or tested in the target; those settings are made for each transport path. By enabling a target’s inbox on a per transport path basis, you have the flexibility (for example) to require your implementation’s changes to be approved before they are imported into a target, but to import changes from a central, global SAP development team automatically.

Targets are created and edited by TE Administrators via the TE Windows GUI screen configuration screen. [on the Targets & Transport Paths tab]

NB: The same actual SAP system can be defined as more than one Transport Expresso target system. This can allow different processes to be controlled for the same systems. For example, if the same SAP systems are used for BAU and project changes it’s a good idea to have a separate transport path for each which then uses a different set of target systems. This enables greater control and different approvers to be setup for each process.


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