Transport Expresso uses SAP’s remote function call technology for communication between the various systems in the system landscape, such as when releasing or importing a selection of transport requests. Thus an RFC destination must be defined for every target SAP system that the Transport Expresso domain controller communicates with (including the Transport Expresso domain controller itself).

An RFC destination contains the technical information required to call a function (program) remotely. When the remote destination is an SAP system, the technical information specifies the target application server and the logon details (client, user ID, password and language).

Each RFC destination required by Transport Expresso has the name “TRANSPORT EXPRESS SID” where SID is the system ID of the system you are connecting to from the TE Domain Controller. For example, if your implementation has development, test and production SAP systems called DEV, TST and PRD; then the following RFC destinations must be created in the domain controller:


In addition, an RFC destination should be created on the Transport Expresso Domain Controller, pointing back to itself. So if your Domain Controller system SID is SOL, then an RFC Destination called TRANSPORT EXPRESS SOL should be created, pointing back to the SOL system.

RFC destinations are maintained with SAP transaction SM59.


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