Trigger Conditions
In order to provide a degree of flexibility as to when a TE web service might be called as part of the Remedy Change Management workflow, a new foundation form BTI:TE:WS_TriggerConditions (see Figure 3), has been created. This form can contain entries that are used to determine if an instance of a Change Request should call a TE web service in order to create a related task in TE.
Figure 3: BTI:TE:WS_TriggerConditions
Entries in BTI:TE:WS_TriggerConditions define various criteria that a Change Request is compared against to determine if that request should create a task in TE. The criteria entries must contain a minimum of a Location Company (matched against the Location Company field on the Change Request form or any) and a Change Request Status (matched against the Change Request Status field on the Change Request form), but can also include a combination of Operational and Product Category tier fields that if defined are matched against the corresponding field combinations in an instance of a Change record. Note that entries in this form can use the value of – Global – for the Location Company field, in which case that entry will match any Location
Company value found in a Change Request.
In addition to the trigger criteria fields referred to above, entries in this form also contain Web Service input values that are applicable to that triggering condition. This allows flexibility to create tasks in TE with different input values for different Change states, companies and Change categorisation combinations. It also allows for flexible maintenance of this data should it be required due to configuration changes on the target TE environment.
To reach BTI:TE:WS_TriggerConditions in order to set up web service trigger condition records, it is necessary to create entries in the following forms:
• RAC:Config Options
• RAC:Config Tasks
These entries will ensure that a menu option appears in the Application Administration (Custom tab) under the Change Management -> Basis Technologies Settings menu structure.
The values for these entries are as follows:
RAC:Config Options
Field Label | Field Value |
Application | Change Management |
Object Name | BTIWSTrigger |
Console Text | Basis Technologies Settings |
Description | Manage Basis Technologies Web Service Triggers |
Status | Enabled |
Sorting Order | 8 |
Display on Console | Yes |
DataTags | Config-CHG |
RAC:Config Tasks
Field Label | Field Value |
Option Name | BTIWSTrigger |
Task Name | Web Service Trigger |
Console Text | Web Service Trigger |
Task Type | Standard |
Description | Trigger condition combinations (Location Company / Change Status / Op Cat / Prod Cat) can be created or modified using this option. |
Accessible Groups | Infrastructure Change Config |
Display on Console | Yes |
Status | Enabled |
DataTags | Config-CHG |
Config Form | BTI:TE:WS_TriggerConditions |
WUT View Name | Default Administrator View |
Web View Name | Default Administrator View |
Form Open Mode | Submit |
Selecting the menu item for Web Service Trigger brings the form up in new mode. If you wish to modify existing entries in the form, simply change the mode to search and perform either a blank or QBE search. Pressing the Cancel button will close the form without saving changes or creating a new entry. Pressing the Save button will either create a new entry, or modify an existing one depending on upon the mode the form is currently in.
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