This section outlines the processing that takes place in order for Transport Expresso to create a Work Info entry linked to a specific Remedy Change Request entry.

Remedy TE Web Service trigger code

The inbound integration between TE and Remedy utilizes OOTB Remedy Web Services. In particular, the CHG_ChangeInterface_WS Web Service defined against the CHG:ChangeInterface form.

In most implementations, in order to access this Web Service, Transport Expresso will need to use a specified Remedy account. Details of default account TE uses to connect to Remedy can be found in earlier section. If an alternative account is to be used, details will need to be supplied to the customer’s staff with responsibility for TE in order to allow them to configure and test the TE Web Service consumption code.

Consumption of the CHG_ChangeInterface_WS Web Service requires a two part operation. The first operation (Change_Query_Service) is used to retrieve details of the Change Request for which a Work Info entry is to be created. In order to do this, it will be necessary to supply an Infrastructure Change ID (field 1000000182 on CHG:Infrastructure Change). This ID will be available to TE from a previous task create Web Service operation initiated from the Change Request in question.

Once details of the Change Request have been retrieved, the second operation (Change_Modify_Service), is then used to pass in details of the new Work Info entry.

As previously stated, the default implementation of the TE to Remedy integration uses OOTB Remedy Web Services. This means that once connection details are configured in the TE Web Service consumption code, then no further action is required on the Remedy side once connection and functional testing have been satisfactorily concluded.

If however, changes have been made to either the OOTB Web Services referred to above, or code that fires as a result of the consumption of these Web Services, then depending upon the nature of these changes, it may be necessary for TE development staff to alter the Web Service consumption code in order for the integration to work at a given customer site. For example, such customisations might include the addition of custom required fields, or fields that are enforced via the use of custom business rules.


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