Akkadian Provisioning Manager communicates with Cisco WebEx using the REST API. There are several requirements for Provisioning Manager to integrate with Cisco WebEx Teams.
- Provisioning Manager must have access to the Cisco WebEx cloud servers, which includes a valid DNS server for name resolution
- Must have a WebEx Teams account with Administrator privileges
To connect to Cisco WebEx Teams:
- Select Application Servers from the System menu
- Select the WebEx Teams tab
- On the menu, click Add
- Enter a name for the WebEx Teams site
- Enter the WebEx Teams URL – api.ciscospark.com
- Enter the username of the user with administrative privileges
- Click the Request access to WebEx Teams button to obtain a token
- Follow the prompts to log into WebEx teams
- Copy the token into the Authorization Token field
- Click Save
- Repeat this process for additional integrations
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