By tapping on Menu → Settings → Views & Units you can customize what details you want to see on the map and how the map looks, and also set units for the navigation.

  • Color scheme
    set the dark / light mode – switch automatically, according to the position and time zone of the device/ day mode/ night mode/ system, according to the system settings of the device
  • Buildings
    set the display of available objects in 3D mode / turn off the 3D mode
  • Length units
    set preferred distance units Km/ Miles and Yards / Miles and Feet
  • Time format
    set 24 hour / 12 hour cycle
  • GPS coordinates
    set the accuracy of the coordinates display format in site detail by degrees/ minutes/ seconds
  • Vehicle icon
    This feature is only available to users with an active Premium + subscription, it allows you to change the icon displayed during navigation.


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