The intent of this Imperative is to integrate waste reduction into all phases of projects and to encourage imaginative reuse of salvaged “waste” materials.


All projects must strive to reduce or eliminate the production of waste during design, construction, operation, and end of life in order to conserve natural resources and to find ways to integrate waste back into either an industrial loop or a natural nutrient loop.

All projects must feature at least one salvaged material per 500 square meters (sm) of Project Floor Area, or be an adaptive reuse of an existing structure.

All projects must create a Materials Conservation Management Plan that explains how the project optimizes materials in each of the following phases:

  • Design Phase, including the consideration of deconstruction and appropriate durability in product specifications.
  • Construction Phase, including product optimization and collection of waste materials for reuse or recycling.
  • Operation Phase, including a collection plan for extra consumables and durables.
  • End of Life Phase, including a plan for adaptable reuse and deconstruction.

All projects must divert waste material from the landfill to the following levels (by weight or volume) during construction:

Table 16-1 Waste Diversion Table

All project types must provide dedicated infrastructure for the collection of recyclables and compostable food scraps.

Projects located on sites with existing infrastructure must complete a pre-building audit that inventories available materials and assemblies for reuse or donation.