I12-1 Materials Tracking Table


  • A complete Materials Tracking Table that includes cost information must be provided in a sortable Excel format. A customized template for I12 is available here. Templates contain built-in calculators, but note that for FSC thresholds, additional calculations will need to be submitted if FSC Mixed Credit material is contributing to compliance.
  • A brief narrative explaining the process used for tracking costs for the project, including a citation of all sources and, when estimates are used, the timeframe represented.

I12-2 Declare Documentation


  • Active Third Party Verification (3PV) or self-disclosed Declare labels or Declare label ID Numbers must be provided for sufficient products to meet Imperative requirements based on Project Floor Area.
  • Calculations and a short narrative must be provided to illustrate that an adequate number of Declare-labeled products from an adequate number of manufacturers have been used in the project to meet Imperative requirements.
  • Advocacy
    • Either:
      • Copies of all letters sent to product manufacturers not currently in Declare requesting that the manufacturer disclose product ingredients and identify any Red List content.
      • Documentation of direct engagement with at least 20 unique manufacturers representing at least 3 CSI Master Format Divisions through email or direct conversation:
        • Email conversations must demonstrate an exchange with the relevant personnel, not simply a one-way email to a general customer service address, including a detailed explanation of the program, Declare links/resources, and a personal note from the project team regarding the importance of ingredient transparency.
        • Phone/video conversations must be documented with a summary of: the main points of the conversation, the date and time of the call, and evidence of a brief follow-up email, providing Declare program resources and links, sent to the manufacturer personnel who participated in the call.

I12-3 Living Product Challenge (LPC) Documentation

Active Living Product Challenge certification ID number (i.e. XYZ-LP001) for at least product used in the project must be provided for all projects except for single family residential projects (and multifamily up to four units) and projects under the Landscape + Infrastructure typology.

I12-4 FSC-Certified, Salvaged, and Intentionally Harvested Wood Documentation

Documents must be provided for all wood-containing products, including those with a Declare or LPC label, correlating wood in the project with FSC, salvaged or intentionally harvested sources. Documents may include:

  • Receipts referencing FSC-certified wood acquisition and final FSC Chain of Custody (COC) numbers.
  • Receipts from the seller/broker of all salvaged wood procurements.
  • If intentional on-site harvest occurred: An illustrated narrative documenting both why tree removal either was required for construction or was part of a reforestation/restoration program, and information documenting that the extraction was minimally invasive. Note that the effect of the tree harvest must be addressed within the Adaptive Plan required under I01 – Ecology of Place.

I12-5 Low Risk Wood Documentation

Documents confirming country of origin of the wood that meets the definition of low risk wood. Acceptable documentation includes, but is not limited to:

  • Documentation of FSC Mixed, FSC Recycled, or FSC Controlled Wood compliance
  • Applicable pages of Bill of Lading
  • Details of the supply chain, including contracts or approvals
  • PEFC certification certificate (for certified suppliers)
  • Risk assessment information from Preferred by Nature’s Sourcing Hub

I12-6 Distance Documentation


Supporting Documents
Documents stating manufacturer location information for each tracked product. Acceptable options include:

  • Active 3PVor self-disclosed Declare label or Declare label ID Number
  • Active Living Product Challenge certification ID number (i.e. XYZ-LP001)
  • Manufacturer documentation (cut sheet, letter, or other document that states the manufacturer location information)

Local Microbusiness Documentation
Where product costs purchased from a Local Microbusiness will be doubled, documentation showing compliance with the following eligibility criteria must be submitted:

  • Independent ownership and operation;
  • Confirming business location is within 500 km of the construction site; and
  • That the number of employees and/or full-time equivalents employed by the business totaled 9 or fewer during at least one pay period in the three years immediately preceding the project team’s research and vetting of the product.

I12-7 Waste Diversion Documentation


  • Completed construction waste diversion table, in Excel format, showing percentages of waste diverted (by weight) in each category (metals; paper + cardboard; soil + biomass; rigid foam; carpet + insulation; and all others). The calculations must be based on tangible data that correlates to receipts and/or reports provided.
  • Diversion Documentation
    • Copies of receipts, recycling percentage reports, and provider names for all tipping fees, recyclers, and building materials salvage services.
    • Photographs of specific designated on-site areas for separated or commingled construction waste.
    • If relevant, documentation of quantity and type as well as proper disposal of any hazardous materials.
    • For surplus materials that are sold or donated, provide a brief narrative with photographs showing the quantity and type of materials sold or donated, the means used to verify the diverted weight or volume, who the materials were sold or donated to, and the intended eventual use and timeframe for use.

I12-8 VOC Content Documentation

Supporting data is required for each wet applied product. Acceptable documentation must include one of the following, confirming compliant VOC content:

  • Active Declare Label with VOC disclosure.
  • Health Product Declaration (HPD) with VOC disclosure.
  • MSDS or GHS SDS with VOC data.
  • Image of VOC content on product label.
  • Signed statement of compliance from manufacturer naming the specific product and disclosing the VOC content.

I12 Case Study

A summary narrative describing the project team’s approach to the imperative, highlighting any lessons learned or particularly rewarding outcomes.


Projects that use Exceptions or compliance paths that are not standard for all projects must submit additional documentation per the below. Unless the exception is tied to the 12-month performance period, all exception documentation must be submitted at the Ready Audit.

I12-a Exception Narrative

Narrative with photos as necessary to show compliance with Exception requirements.

I12-b Technical Documentation

Legal, economic, or contract documents that verify Exception requirements have been met, such as:

  • Official documents such as current business licenses or registrations
  • Contracts or receipts showing transactions related to Exception requirements

I12-c Advocacy Documentation

Letter written to non-certified party advocating certification by the organization listed in Exception requirements; or letter written to advocate for compliance with requirements related to Imperative requirements.

I12-d Photographs

Photographs or other graphic documentation verifying that Exception requirements were met.