I08-1 Sub-metering Documentation

If the project excludes vehicle charging energy associated with the project, provide either:

  • Sub-meter data verifying amount of energy attributed to vehicle charging; or
  • Tracked mileage of electric vehicles driven during the performance period and convert miles driven into electricity using the rated mileage of the vehicles charged. If distance tracking is not possible, projects may use an average efficiency rate as an alternative.

Single-family residential project teams must provide a narrative stating methods to understand and/or troubleshoot energy use.

I08-2 Embodied Carbon Threshold Documentation

Report the total embodied carbon of the project to be offset and report the embodied carbon of all other material assemblies from Table 8-1.

  • Primary material assemblies, interior material assemblies, and exterior material assemblies from Table 8-1 must be counted toward the embodied carbon threshold and offset.
  • The embodied carbon value of all other material assemblies from Table 8-1 must be reported separately from the embodied carbon threshold and do not need to be offset.
  • Biogenic embodied carbon reduction calculations and sustainable sourcing certifications for products with claimed benefits. Biogenic carbon reductions must be counted separately from all other embodied carbon reductions.
  • If a LETI or SBTi disaggregated building Typology threshold other than 350 kgCO₂e/m² is used, project teams must describe which threshold they used and how the disaggregated building Typology is applicable to their project Typology.

If the project exceeded the threshold, provide detailed descriptions of what prevented the project from meeting the target.

I08-3 Carbon Offset Documentation

Documentation of the project’s embodied carbon offset, including:

  • Receipt from an approved carbon offset program as proof of purchase verifying the total amount of offsets purchased.

I08-4 Resilience Strategy Documentation

Documentation showing the project has developed and incorporated a robust resiliency strategy in order to remain habitable for one week, including supporting documents such as:

  • Results of an energy model showing that via passive design the building maintains survivability during both the coldest and hottest weeks of the year.
  • Calculations showing on-site energy storage to maintain critical loads for one week.
  • The Community Resilience Plan that was developed by the project team.

I08 Case Study

A summary narrative describing the project team’s approach to the imperative, highlighting any lessons learned or particularly rewarding outcomes.


Projects that use Exceptions or compliance paths that are not standard for all projects must submit additional documentation per the table below. Unless the Exception is tied to the 12-month performance period, all Exception documentation must be submitted at the Ready Audit. If the project team is using an Exception that requires preapproval, the project team must upload the ILFI ruling with their documentation.

I08-a Exception Narrative

A narrative describing the project’s need for the Exception, the approach to and implementation of the alternative solution, and compliance with Exception requirements, including calculations when needed.

I08-b Metering Documentation

Metering documentation or data showing compliance with Exception requirements.

I08-c Technical Documentation

Legal, financial, or contract documents showing compliance with Exception requirements.

I08-d Photographs

Photographs showing compliance with Exception requirements, including images of all components that will be changed from an existing state or are not readily visible by the completion of the performance period.

I08-e Advocacy Documentation

Where required by the Exception, documentation of advocacy must also be included.