In assessing a child’s wellness and ability to participate and remain at a program staff must take into consideration a number of factors including:
1) the risk of spreading of illness
2) the child’s ability to participate comfortably in the program.
Staff shall make a log entry if there is any change in the health or wellbeing of a child during the day. Staff may use their judgment and may consult with the Supervisor and decide to call a parent to inform them of their child’s health or to ask the child to be picked up. Staff will ensure children are separated from other children when illness is suspected. It is the responsibility of the staff to decide if the child is to be picked up or not and be clear in their expectation to the parent.
The following is a list of symptoms/illness where a child may be sent home:
1. Fever 38C or higher
2. Diarrhea and/or vomiting
3. Undiagnosed rash
4. Communicable diseases
5. Persistent pain
6. Head Lice
7. Cough – with or without infected discharge
8. Seizure
9. Difficult or rapid breathing
10. Runny nose
11. Yellowish skin or eyes
12. Redness of eyelid lining
13. Unusual spots orrashes
14. Infected skin patches
15. Unusually dark, tea coloured urine
16. Grey or white stool
17. Headache and stiff neck
18. Unusual behaviour
19. Loss of appetite
20. Severe itching
21. Pain
22. Sore throat or trouble swallowing
23. Bowel Movement white in colour ( recommend to guardian/parent to proceed to hospital emergency department immediately)
Staff will make a note in the room’s daily log. In the event that a child has been sent home they are not to return to the program until:
• A note from a medical doctor states they are well enough to return to the program AND are not contagious
• OR They have been on a medication for 24 hours and are no longer deemed contagious
• OR Are symptom free/symptom improved and at the discretion of administration.
Parents are to be contacted and encouraged to arrive to the program promptly. In the event that parents cannot be contacted emergency contacts will be phoned. If the illness develops into that of a serious nature, the Serious Occurrence procedure must be followed.