I15-1 Supplier Identification

Identification of the top suppliers:
List the top 10 suppliers of all Goods and Services either to the facility or to the business unit containing the facility, based on total annual spending.

Specify the (approximate) percentage of total annual spending allocated to each of these top 10 suppliers. Manufacturer does not need to disclose spending amounts in dollars. For each of the top 10 suppliers:

  • Indicate the country in which production of the largest share of this input sold to the manufacturer occurs. The supplier may operate in multiple countries; if this is the case, the manufacturer should simply name the country from which the highest share of input from this supplier to the manufacturer originates.
  • Indicate which of the 57 GTAP sectors, as indicated in the Social Hotspots Database, the largest share of this input sold to the manufacturer falls within. A list of the 57 GTAP (version 9) sectors can be found here.

I15-2 Risk Identification

For each of the top 10 suppliers identified in I15-1, identification of the 1, 2, or 3 most critical social risks for this country-specific sector, using the Social Hotspots Database risk portal. The most critical risks are identified by having a highest contribution to the social hotspot index for that country-specific sector. List these risks for each of the top 10 suppliers.

For each of the most critical risks for each of the top 10 suppliers, use the Standards Map database to identify one or more certification systems that address the critical risk for the given country and sector. Information about the most critical risks and one or more relevant certification systems that address them must be shared with each of the top 10 suppliers, and copies of the correspondence sent sharing this information must be submitted.

Or, if there are no products/services identified for the Manufacturer’s suppliers that are represented in the Standards Map. If this is the case, manufacturers should:

  • Document this gap in standards/ certifications so that it can be addressed in the map for future certifications; and also
  • share this information with the suppliers and ask that they share any information related to social audits they have conducted, or if they have not yet conducted one, advocate that they do using either ISO 26000 (for guidance) or SA 8000 (for guidance and/or certification)

I15-3 Supplier Preference Statement

Provide a statement from the manufacturer explaining how the manufacturer will give preference to suppliers that either obtain the relevant certification or conduct a social audit to otherwise address the identified social risks.