Products pursuing the Product Share Pathway do not require on-site process energy must submit a statement to this effect. These products are exempt from on-site requirements I06-1, I06-2, I06-3, and I06-4. The site audit will confirm compliance.


I06-1 Site Energy Narrative

A 2-3 page narrative describing the energy system at the final manufacturing facility, written by the energy designers, engineers or facility manager.

The narrative should include all of the following:

  • Whether the Whole Facility or Product Share pathway is being used; if Product Share is selected, include a description of how on-site process energy usage was calculated for the product line
  • A description of where and how energy is used to create the product and the overall facility energy demands, including the types and sources of energy at the facility
  • A schematic drawing of on-site energy systems
  • Description of all subsystems of the energy using and producing systems, including all areas listed in the I06-2 Energy Use Table
  • Opportunities for energy usage reduction at the facility or in the production process

If the product is not pursuing I07 Net Positive Energy, the manufacturer must also provide all of the following:

  • How the 105% of the Product Share or, if applicable, the Whole Facility’s energy usage could be met via on-site renewable resources (or ILFI-approved off-site infrastructure)
  • Description of any existing barriers to becoming on-site Net Positive and potential solutions

I06-2 On-Site Energy Use

Completed Energy Use Table with monthly data from the 12-month performance period, including data from meter(s), other onsite tracking systems, or web-link to an online mechanism that clearly records energy produced and consumed (e.g., total energy generated; total energy use by subsystem including simulated/designed demand if available). Additional strategies may be submitted for approval.

I06-3 Photographs

Photographs of the systems, particularly portions that will be hidden from view at time of audit due to completion of construction or lack of access to auditors.

I06-4 Energy Bills

Utility bills for a continuous 12-month period beginning with the designated start date of the performance period.

If the product is not connected to a utility or is sub-metered from a utility meter serving a larger area, and therefore has no energy bills, the manufacturer must write and sign a letter substantiating that this is the case, in conjunction with the sub-metered data.


I06-5 Industry Average

Acceptable methods for determining the industry average cradle-to-gate energy Footprint value are identified in the Industry Average clarification.

The manufacturer should document the industry average value, clearly identifying and documenting the source of the average, and compare it to the product energy Footprint. If the Footprint is above the industry average, manufacturers should identify opportunities for reducing the energy Footprint by the time of recertification.

If no industry average exists, the manufacturer must note this and provide a brief narrative regarding efficient energy use throughout the life cycle relative to similar products and identify opportunities for improvement.

I06-6 Hotspot Identification

The following data shall be provided, documenting the cradle-to-gate fossil fuel-based energy consumption hotspots of the product’s life cycle:

  • A table of process contributions to cradle-to-gate life cycle energy consumption, listing at least the top 5 processes ranked in terms of energy consumption
  • A brief one- to two-page narrative that interprets the results and identifies the five main drivers of the product’s cradle-to-gate fossil energy consumption footprints
  • An analysis of opportunities for leveraging these hotspots to reduce impact in the product’s life cycle

Figure below illustrates importance of Hotspot identification in determining drivers of Footprint size and reducing impact.