This Imperative requires manufacturers to demonstrate that the carbon sequestering inputs of the materials used in the product exceed the greenhouse gas (GHG) Footprint of producing the product or generate a carbon Handprint larger than the product’s Footprint. This Imperative does not have an on-site requirement. Refer to the Net Positive Carbon Clarifications for additional information.

Manufacturers must first work to reduce the product’s cradle-to-gate carbon Footprint by innovating within the supply chain of the product or within the manufacturing process to generate fewer GHG emissions. Manufacturers must then create a carbon Handprint greater than the Footprint to create acarbon Net Positive product through one or more of the following strategies:

  • Incorporate carbon sequestering materials to ensure the product stores more carbon than was used in production
  • Engage with users to reduce carbon emissions through improved use of the product
  • Take action outside of the product’s supply chain to reduce carbon emissions
  • Purchase a carbon offset equivalent to the cradle-to-gate GHG Footprint of the product after other options have been depleted