All Basic Documentation is required for all products unless noted otherwise.

I13-1 Materials Conservation Management Plan

Completed Conservation Management Plan explaining how the manufacturer optimized materials in design, manufacture, use, and how they planned for source reduction of waste, as well as reduced waste at the product’s end of life. The narrative must describe how the facility complies with diversion rates for either the Product Share, or, if applicable, the Whole Facility approach. The Plan must contain a section devoted to packaging, demonstrating how the manufacturer achieved a reduction or elimination of packaging waste.

Manufacturers that have achieved ILFI-approved zero waste to landfill certifications for the final facility are considered to comply with the Imperative requirements for any products produced in the facility and no additional documentation for this imperative needs to be supplied beyond the certificate of achievement from the certifying body. ILFI-approved zero waste to landfill certifications include, but are not limited to:

I13-2 Diversion Table

Completed waste diversion table, in Excel spreadsheet format, showing percentages of waste diverted (by weight) in each category (Metals; Paper + Cardboard; Soil + Biomass; All Others (combined weighted average). The calculations must be based on tangible data that correlates to receipts provided.

The table must demonstrate that at least 90% of the waste generated through production of the product needs to be diverted from the landfill. If the overall diversion rate falls below 100%, the manufacturer must complete I13-3 Waste Handprints.

I13-3 Waste Handprints

If the product does not meet one of the approved waste to landfill certifications identified in I13-1 and also falls short of 100% diversion in I13-2, the manufacturer may become Net Positive by completing waste diversion strategies outside the scope of the product pursuing certification. This can be done either through Enterprise level activities (those done by the company outside of production), or through other Handprinting actions like consumer or supplier engagement. The manufacturer should demonstrate that the amount of waste diverted through these other strategies offsets the amount sent to landfill and will continue to meet or exceed these requirements through recertification.

I13-4 Hauling Documentation

Copies of receipts, recycling percentage reports and provider names for all tipping fees, recyclers, and building materials salvage services. For the Product Share pathway, this only applies to non-hazardous waste streams associated with the product pursuing certification. For the whole facility compliance path, this extends to all facility waste streams.

I13-5 Photographs

Photographs of specific designated on-site areas for managing waste, as well as of waste containers on-site, to prove less than 2% contamination in outgoing containers.


I13-a Manufacturer Statement

A narrative describing the product’s need for the Exception, statement describing the manufacturer’s maximization of the diversion rate, and compliance with Exception requirements.

I13-b Efficiency Documentation

Table demonstrating all inputs to production with associated weights and outputs.