The intent of the requirement to remove single-use plastics in products and packaging, is to move manufacturers towards dematerialization of plastic materials and packaging, and away from the automatic use of disposable petroleum-based plastic in packaging that inevitably contributes to landfill and other environmental impacts. However, it is also important that these restrictions not inadvertently move manufacturers towards less desirable options.

To meet the single-use plastic packaging requirement a manufacturer must either avoid all plastics, or use plastic which meets the following specifications:

  • Bio-based plastic that meets ASTM D6400 standard of compostable (preferred), or
  • Plastics that do not meet ASTM D6400 should comply with the FTC Green Guide guidance on Compostable claims (specify where and how the product may or may not be composted)


A program offered by a manufacturer or industry trade group that includes a mechanism both implemented and overseen by a manufacturer/trade group to assume physical responsibility of a product, product component, and/or packaging at the end of a product’s useful life with the intent to reuse or recycle the items received into new useful goods.


Products may benefit from substituting a carbon-sequestering product for one that is carbon producing (e.g., wood vs. steel). At this time, the Institute recognizes Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification as an approved third-party sustainable harvesting standard with scientifically verified carbon-sequestering benefits for wood products beyond the sequestration of standard harvesting practices. Alternative certification programs or verification standards for carbon-sequestering materials must be submitted to for pre-approval.