To enhance readability and visual appeal, we have revamped our user interface. Changes in this latest release include:

  1. Checkboxes

In the web application, checkboxes now have a new look and feel. We have adopted a lighter, more modern border style. We have also removed the blue background color for selected checkboxes, opting instead for a transparent background.

  1. Radio Buttons

We have similarly altered—in terms of shape outline—the appearance of radio buttons in the web application.

  1. Tabs

Tabs have undergone both visual and interactive changes in the latest release. On the visual end, tabs now not only have a new look in the web application, but they also support a variety of styling options.

  • Styling Options
    • For each tab, users can now set the font family, font size, font color, background color, and typographical emphasis (bold, italic, underline).
      • Users can set a different style for each tab or apply the same style for all tabs.

On the interactive end, tabs now support a variety of display options which impact how they behave in the web application.

  • Display Options
    • Users can now choose how they want a set of tabs to be displayed in the web application.
      • Allow Looping: This option allows for a tab set to be looped so that when users reach the last tab in a set, the first tab is automatically next to be shown.
      • Fixed Tabs: This option allows for a tab set to be fixed so that all tabs are displayed on screen simultaneously. Each tab is placed at a fixed width, as determined by the total number of tabs in the set.
        • By default, if tabs are not fixed, they are set up as scrollable. A tab set is only scrollable, however, if it can no longer fit uniformly on screen.
      • Floating Tab Menu: This option allows for a tab set to remain in a fixed position as users scroll the page, “floating” above the content.
        • As demonstrated in the examples above, rather than having borders on all sides, a floating tab set has only a bottom border.
      • Header at Top/Bottom: This option allows for the tab headers to be displayed at both the top and bottom of the form.
    • While styling options can be customized per tab, display options are applied to the all tabs in a given set.
  1. Inline Add and Inline Edit – Save and Close

We have altered the appearance of the Save and Close buttons linked to the Inline Add and Inline Edit functions. They are now larger and in color.