In the System tab, users can configure details relating to the running of the system.

  1. Release Mode: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for the program to run in release mode. In this mode, the program is fully optimized for performance—stripped of symbolic debug information.
    • Along with final release distribution, this mode is typically used in the final stages of testing and production readiness.
      • When operating in release mode, it is no longer necessary to deploy the application every time modifications are made.
    • Depending on whether this checkbox is selected, the options below it may be selected or unselected.
      1. Compile Scripts at Runtime: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to compile scripts at runtime. This means that changing the script and saving it does not require for the application to be deployed.
      2. Enable Application Log: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for relevant activities performed in the system to be recorded in the Application Log.
        • For more details on the Application Log of the DBP application, click here.
      3. Cacheable: This is a checkbox which, if selected, activates data retrieval from the server memory.
  1. Debug Mode: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for the program to run in debug mode. In this mode, the program is not optimized, compiling with full symbolic debug information.
    • Typically, this mode is used in the initial stages of development and testing.
  2. Show All Time in UTC Time Zone: This is a checkbox which, if selected, converts all time to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone.
  3. Performance Optimization: In this section, users can adjust details relating to performance optimization.
    • Starter Forms Cacheable: This is a checkbox which, if selected, activates data retrieval for starter forms.
  4. Use Transparent Background For Disabled Controls: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows for disabled controls to have a transparent background in the DBP application—as opposed to a darker background color.