This table identifies new students enrolled at a community college for the first-time in any Arizona public higher education institution. First semester enrollment could be full- or part-time in either the Fall or Spring semester.
Previous enrollment in community college dual enrollment courses during high school does not preclude a student from being considered part of a new-to-higher education cohort if they continued to enroll at a community college after high school graduation.
What is the key (unique identifier for a row) for this table?
Unique records are determined by Cohort Year and ASSIST Student ID. In other words, there is one record per student per community college per cohort year.
Why would you use this table?
If you are a community college, you would want to use this table to define a cohort of new students who exhibit various transfer intent behaviors in order to examine their community college outcomes and measure transfer activity to the universities.
Notes on using this table:
(1) In this table, Arizona Unitid refers ONLY to community colleges.
(2) In this table, Semester refers ONLY to Fall and Spring.
(3) In this table, new-to-higher education cohorts can be identified by various levels. The General Cohort is the broadest level of inclusion for the calculation of community college transfer rates while the Transfer Intent Cohort is in the intermediate range and the Transfer Behavior Cohort is the narrowest level. The Transfer Behavior Cohort is the most commonly used cohort for external reporting.
Download CC_NEW_TO_HIGHER_ED_COHORT Data Elements and Definitions