What is the CC_COURSE Table?

This table contains course data for students enrolled at a community college by term and institution attended. Terms include Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Institutions include Arizona community colleges your students have attended before or after they attended your institution, based on the files submitted by your institution.

What is the key (unique identifier for a row) for this table?

Unique records are determined by Semester, Arizona Unitid, ASSIST Student ID, and a course selection field combining the data from the Course Discipline, Course Number, Course Section, Course Start Date, and Course Stop Date fields. In other words, there is one record per student per course per institution per semester.

Why would you use this table?

If you are a community college, you would want to use this table to determine what courses your students were enrolling in at the community colleges and how well they performed in those courses.

If you are a community college or a university, you would want to join this table with the UV_COURSE table to track your students’ performance in sequenced community college/university courses.

Notes on using this table:

(1) In this table, Arizona Unitid refers ONLY to community colleges.
(2) If you are a community college and want to look at subsequent courses taken at a university, you will need to join this table with the UV_UNDERGRADUATE_TRANSFER _INST table by Assist Student ID. You can then limit UV Transfer Institution Code to your institution and UV Semester to greater than CC Semester to select only those students who attended a university AFTER attending your institution.
(3) Course grades in this table are assigned as of the end of a given term. If a grade is changed in a subsequent semester, the change will NOT be reflected anywhere in the course data.
(4) The earliest data available for this table is AY 1999-2000

Download CC_COURSE Data Elements and Definitions