We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked CemTore Questions. If you have a question that is not answered below, please feel free to sent us an email.

AeXonis Remarks

AeXonis suggests strongly University to Describe what data storage Architecture they wants to implement. AeXonis has a very long and robust experience in data processing and several level storage that for will benefit greatly Universities. Such advisory services are included at no cost in the university program set up by AeXonis. Universities should not hesitate to take benefit of such services.

1. How do you connect a Homemade Device ?

1.1 Are there any Hoops to jump through for integrating a Homemade Device into CemTore ?

2. Do we need to set up an MQTT broker and if so, is that something we need to do on our end?

2.1 How do we connect the Broker to a database in our data center?

3. How do users access the Data hosted on a database in our Data Center?

4. What is the workflow for a device from start to finish?

4.1 If I want to be holding a Device and process the data on my personal laptop in python/excel, what are the steps to do that?
Is that possible now with what we have? If not, what is missing?

5. What Devices are available on their “Menu” of supported devices?

5.1 How do we get more devices ? Who buys/pays for them ?

6. Do we have a coverage Map for Campus/Surrounding area?

7. Why Cemtore doesn’t provide applications of type PostGreSQL or MySQL ?

The huge benefit of CemTore

University doesn’t need anymore traditional SQL Database and the constraining DB administrator. MongoDB, DynamoDB are NoSQL database given lot of flexibility and much less administration constraint. AeXonis provides, free of charge training on NoSQL database and support at any stage of application development by University.


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