High Level Tags
Note that all examples in this page must be written inside a loop/section for objects or templaterConfig/subject
For example, if you want to access data within the “object” object:
{#objects}{#object} {name} {/object}{/objects}
{#templaterConfig}{#subject}{#object} {name} {/object}{/subject}{/templaterConfig}
The same concept is applicable to the other 6 elements (version, properties, etc). They must be written inside a loop/section for objects or templaterConfig/subject
The “object” object contains the base information and associations of the object. The properties and attributes of this object will depend on the type (for example, “defaultView” is an attribute specific to process). For tags relating to each EPC Object, refer to the page specific to that EPC Object.
All tags under this header (including associations – risks, rules, etc) must be within a section for object:
{#object} {name} {/object}
Tag | Description |
{nodeType} | The type of node |
{name} | The name of the object |
{version} | The version of the object |
{creationDate} | The date and time the object was created |
{modificationDate} | The date and time the object was last modified |
{nodeStatus} | Status of the object (published vs in progress) |
{checkinDate} | The date and time when the object was published |
{checkinComment} | The comment associated with the publication for the object |
{referenceNumber} | The object’s unique identifier |
{#parent}{name}{/parent} | Name of the object’s parent |
{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy} | Username of the user who last published the object |
{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy} | First name of the user who last published the object |
{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy} | Middle name of the user who last published the object |
{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy} | Last name of the user who last published the object |
{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy} | Full name & username of the user who last published the object |
{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy} | Email of the user who last published the object |
{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy} | Phone Number of the user who last published the object |
{checkinComment} | Comment made by the publisher of the object (current version) |
Associated Roles & Responsibilities Tags
The tags in the table below are tags common across org units, resources, assets and roles.
Each of the tags above must be included within the appropriate loop
- Roles: {#roles}{/roles}
- Org Units: {#orgUnits}{/orgUnits}
- Resources: {#resources}{/resources}
- Assets: {#assets}{/assets}
{#object}{#roles}{#target} {name} {/target}{/roles}{/object}
Tag | Description |
{#target}{name}{/target} | Name of the org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{version}{/target} | Version of the org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{nodeType}{/target} | The type of the object (role, resource, asset, org unit) |
{#target}{creationDate}{/target} | Date of creation of the org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{modificationDate}{/target} | Last modification date of the org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{nodeSubTypeName}{/target} | The type of org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{nodeStatus}{/target} | The status of the org unit, role, asset or resource (in progress vs published) |
{#target}{checkinDate}{/target} | The date of publication of the org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The username of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The first name of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The middle name of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The last name of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The full name and username of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The email of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The phone number of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{reviewFrequency}{/target} | The set review frequency of the org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{nextReviewDate}{/target} | The next review date of the org unit, role, asset or resource |
{#target}{#categories}{name}{/categories}{/target} | The categories in which the object is grouped in |
{responsible} | Boolean value for Responsible (RASCI-VS) |
{accountable} | Boolean value for Accountable (RASCI-VS) |
{support} | Boolean value for Support (RASCI-VS) |
{consulted} | Boolean value for Consulted (RASCI-VS) |
{informed} | Boolean value for Informed (RASCI-VS) |
{verifier} | Boolean value for Verifier (RASCI-VS) |
{signatory} | Boolean value for Signatory (RASCI-VS) |
Associated Documents Tags
These tags can be used to display information about any documents associated to the object. The tags in the section below must be included in a loop for documents:
{#object}{#documents}{#target} {name} {/target}{/documents}{/object}
Tag | Description |
{#target}{nodeType}{/target} | The type of object (document) |
{#target}{name}{/target} | The name of the document |
{#target}{version}{/target} | The version of the document |
{#target}{creationDate}{/target} | The creation date of the document |
{#target}{modificationDate}{/target} | The last modification date of the document |
{#target}{nodeSubTypeName}{/target} | The type of document |
{#target}{nodeStatus}{/target} | The status of the document (in progress vs published) |
{#target}{referenceNumber}{/target} | The document’s unique identifier |
{#target}{checkinDate}{/target} | The date the document was published |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The username of the user who last published the document |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The first name of the user who last published the document |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The middle name of the user who last published the document |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The last name of the user who last published the document |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The full name and username of the user who last published the document |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The email of the user who last published the document |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The phone number of the user who last published the document |
{#target}{reviewFrequency}{/target} | The set review frequency of the document |
{#target}{nextReviewDate}{/target} | The next review date of the document |
{#target}{#categories}{name}{/categories}{/target} | The category under which the document is grouped under |
{#target}{documentType}{/target} | The type of document (URL, file, template, file link) |
{#target}{url}{{/target} | The URL of the document (only for URL and file link types) |
{#target}{#fileInfo}{name}{/fileInfo}{/target} | The name of the uploaded file (only for file uploads and templates) |
{#target}{#fileInfo}{extension}{/fileInfo}{/target} | The extension of the file (only for file uploads and templates) |
Associated Risks Tags
These tags can be used to display information about any risks associated to the process. The tags in the section below must be included in a loop for risks:
{#object}{#risks}{#target} {name} {/target}{/risks}{/object}
Tag | Description |
{#target}{name}{/target} | Name(s) of the risk(s) associated to the process |
{#target}{nodeType}{/target} | The type of the object (risk) |
{#target}{version}{/target} | The version of the risk |
{#target}{creationDate}{/target} | The date of creation of the risk |
{#target}{modificationDate}{/target} | The last modification date of the risk |
{#target}{nodeSubType}{/target} | The type assigned to the risk (user defined) |
{#target}{nodeStatus}{/target} | The status of the risk (in progress vs published) |
{#target}{referenceNumber}{/target} | The risk’s unique identifier |
{#target}{checkinDate}{/target} | The risk’s date of publication |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy}{/target} | Username of the user who last published the risk |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | First name of the user who last published the risk |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | Middle name of the user who last published the risk |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | Last name of the user who last published the risk |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target} | Full name & username of the user who last published the risk* |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy}{/target} | Email of the user who last published the risk |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy}{/target} | Phone Number of the user who last published the risk |
{#target}{grossImpact}{/target} | Gross impact of the risk |
{#target}{grossLikelihood}{/target} | Gross likelihood of the risk |
{#target}{grossDetectability}{/target} | Gross detectability of the risk |
{#target}{residualImpact}{/target} | Residual impact of the risk |
{#target}{residualLikelihood}{/target} | Residual likelihood of the risk |
{#target}{residualDetectability}{/target} | Residual detectability of the risk |
{#target}{overrideRollup}{/target} | Boolean value for whether the risk values are overriden |
{#target}{analysisJustification}{/target} | Analysis justification for the risk |
{#target}{#causalities}{cause}{/causalities}{/target} | Cause of the risk (Cause & Effect) |
{#target}{#causalities}{effect}{/causalities}{/target} | Effect of the risk (Cause & Effect) |
{residualScore} | The residual score after controls have been factored in |
{residualPriority} | The level (numerical) of residual priority |
{residualPriorityText} | The level (textual) of residual priority (medium, high, etc) |
{residualPercentage} | The residual percentage of the risk |
{reviewFrequency} | The set review frequency for the risk |
{nextReviewDate} | The next review date for the risk |
{#processControls}{controlName}{/processControls} | The name of the control associated with the risk |
{#processControls}{impact}{/processControls} | The impact of the control on the risk |
{#processControls}{likelihood}{/processControls} | The likelihood of the control on the risk |
{#processControls}{detectability}{/processControls} | The detectability of the control on the risk |
{#processControls}{priority}{/processControls} | The priority of the control on the risk |
{#processControls}{score}{/processControls} | The score of the control on the risk |
{#processControls}{percentage}{/processControls} | The percentage of gross risk for the control |
{#processControls}{priorityText}{/processControls} | The priority level (textual) of the control (medium, high, etc) |
{#processControls}{excluded}{/processControls} | Whether the control is excluded from the risk or not |
Associated Controls Tags
These tags can be used to display information about any controls associated to the process. The tags in the section below must be included in a loop for controls:
{#object}{#controls}{#target} {name} {/target}{/controls}{/object}
Tag | Description |
{#target}{name}{/target} | The name of the control |
{#target}{nodeType}{/target} | The type of the object (control) |
{#target}{version}{/target} | The version of the control |
{#target}{creationDate}{/target} | The creation date of the control |
{#target}{modificationDate}{/target} | The last modification of the control |
{#target}{nodeSubTypeName}{/target} | The assigned type of the control |
{#target}{nodeStatus}{/target} | The status of the control (in progress vs published) |
{#target}{referenceNumber}{/target} | The control’s unique identifier |
{#target}{checkinDate}{/target} | The date of the control’s last publication |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The username of the user who last published the control |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The first name of the user who last published the control |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The middle name of the user who last published the control |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The last name of the user who last published the control |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The full name and username of the user who last published the control |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The email of he user who last published the control |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The phone number of the user who last published the control |
{#target}{checkinComment}{/target} | The comment attached to the last publication action |
{#target}{reviewFrequency}{/target} | The set review frequency for the control |
{#target}{nextReviewDate}{/target} | The next review date for the control |
{#target}{#categories}{name}{/categories}{/target} | The name of category(ies) under which the control is grouped under |
{#target}{keyControl}{/target} | Boolean value for whether the control is a key control |
{#target}{frequency}{/target} | The frequency classification of the control |
{#target}{effectStyle}{/target} | Preventive or detective control |
{#target}{operationType}{/target} | Manual or computer control |
{#target}{itControl}{/target} | Boolean value for whether the control is an IT control or not |
{#target}{itControlType}{/target} | The type of IT control |
{#target}{itAssertionCompleteness}{/target} | IT control assertion – boolean value for completeness |
{#target}{itAssertionAccuracy}{/target} | IT control assertion – boolean value for accuracy |
{#target}{itAssertionValidity}{/target} | IT control assertion – boolean value for validity |
{#target}{itAssertionAuthorization}{/target} | IT control assertion – boolean value for authorization |
{#target}{internalEnvironment}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for internal environment |
{#target}{objectiveSetting}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for objective setting |
{#target}{eventIdentification}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for event identification |
{#target}{riskAssessment}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for risk assessment |
{#target}{riskResponse}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for risk response |
{#target}{informationCommunication}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for information & communication |
{#target}{monitoring}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for monitoring |
{#target}{controlActivities}{/target} | COSO component – boolean value for control activities |
{#target}{controlActivityType}{/target} | COSO component – control activity type |
{#target}{existenceOccurrence}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value for existence & occurence |
{#target}{completeness}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value for completeness |
{#target}{rightsObligations}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value for rights & obligations |
{#target}{presentationDisclosure}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value presentation & disclosure |
{#target}{valuationAllocation}{/target} | Financial Assertion – - boolean value for valuation & allocation |
{#target}{accuracy}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value under Value & Allocation for accuracy |
{#target}{classification}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value under Value & Allocation for classification |
{#target}{timingCutOff}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value under Value & Allocation for timing or cut-off |
{#target}{postingSummarization}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value under Value & Allocation for posting & summarization |
{#target}{detailTieIn}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value under Value & Allocation for detail tie-in |
{#target}{realizableValue}{/target} | Financial Assertion – boolean value under Value & Allocation for realizable value |
{#target}{balanceSheet}{/target} | Financial Statements Impacted – Balance Sheet |
{#target}{retainedEarnings}{/target} | Financial Statements Impacted – Retained Earnings |
{#target}{incomeStatement}{/target} | Financial Statements Impacted – Income Statement |
{#target}{financialStatement}{/target} | Financial Statements Impacted – Financial Statement |
Associated Rules Tags
These tags can be used to display information about any rules associated to the process. The tags in the table below must be included in a loop for rules:
{#object}{#rules}{#target} {name} {/target}{/rules}{/object}
Tag | Description |
{#target}{nodeType}{/target} | The type of object (rule) |
{#target}{name}{/target} | The name of the rule |
{#target}{version}{/target} | The version of the rule |
{#target}{creationDate}{/target} | The creation date of the rule |
{#target}{modificationDate}{/target} | The last modification date of the rule |
{#target}{nodeSubTypeName}{/target} | The assigned type of the rule |
{#target}{nodeStatus}{/target} | The status of the rule (in progress vs published) |
{#target}{referenceNumber}{/target} | The rule’s unique identifier |
{#target}{checkinDate}{/target} | The date of publication of the rule |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The username of the user who last published the rule |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The first name of the user who last published the rule |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The middle name of the user who last published the rule |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The last name of the user who last published the rule |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The full name and username of the user who last published the rule |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The email of he user who last published the rule |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The phone number of the user who last published the rule |
{#target}{reviewFrequency}{/target} | The set review frequency for the rule |
{#target}{nextReviewDate}{/target} | The next review date for the control |
{#target}{#categories}{name}{/categories}{/target} | The name of the category(ies) in which the rules are grouped under |
{#target}{source}{/target} | The source of the rule |
{#target}{history}{/target} | The history of the rule |
{#target}{example}{/target} | The example provided for the rule |
Associated Objective, Performance, Control & Risk Indicators Tags
The tags below are common to objective, performance, control and risk indicators
Each of these tags must be included in a loop for the desired object:
- {#objectives}{/objectives} – for objectives
- {#controlIndicators}{/controlIndicators} – for KCI
- {#performanceIndicators}{/performanceIndicators} – for KPI
- {#riskIndicators}{/riskIndicators} – for KRI
{#object}{#controlIndicators}{#target} {name} {/target}{/controlIndicators}{/object}
Tag | Description |
{#target}{name}{/target} | The name of the indicator |
{#target}{version}{/target} | The version of the indicator |
{#target}{creationDate}{/target} | The creation date of the indicator |
{#target}{modificationDate}{/target} | The last modification date of the indicator |
{#target}{nodeSubTypeName}{/target} | The assigned type of the indicator |
{#target}{status}{/target} | The status of the indicator (in progress vs published) |
{#target}{referenceNumber}{/target} | The indicator’s unique identifier |
{#target}{checkinDate}{/target} | The publication date of the indicator |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The username of the user who last published the indicator |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The first name of the user who last published the indicator |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The middle name of the user who last published the indicator |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The last name of the user who last published the indicator |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The full name and username of the user who last published the indicator |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The email of the user who last published the indicator |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The phone number of the user who last published the indicator |
{#target}{checkinComment}{/target} | The comment made at the time of the last publication |
{#target}{#categories}{name}{/categories}{/target} | The name of the category(ies) under which the indicator is grouped under |
{#target}{indicatorType}{/target} | The type of indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{thresholdTarget1}{/target} | The first threshold of the indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{thresholdTarget2}{/target} | The second threshold of the indicator* (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{thresholdTarget3}{/target} | The third threshold of the indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{thresholdTarget4}{/target} | The fourth threshold of the indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{unit}{/target} | (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{measureDate}{/target} | The last measurement date for the indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{measureValue}{/target} | The last measurement value for the indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{#performanceScore}{score}{/performanceScore}{/target} | The performance score of the indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
{#target}{#performanceScore}{color}{/performanceScore}{/target} | The current color of the indicator (not compatible with objectives) |
Master Data Tags (Entities & Attributes)
These tags can be used to display information about any master data objects associated to the process. These tags are applicable to both entities and attributes
Each of the tags above must be included in a loop for the desired object:
- {#entities}{/entities} – for entities
- {#attributes}{/attributes} – for attributes
{#object}{#entities}{#target} {name} {/target}{/entities}{/object}
Tag | Description |
{#target}{nodeType}{/target} | The type of object (entity or attribute) |
{#target}{version}{/target} | The version of the object |
{#target}{creationDate}{/target} | The creation date of the object |
{#target}{modificationDate}{/target} | The last modification date of the object |
{#target}{nodeSubTypeName}{/target} | The assigned type of the object |
{#target}{nodeStatus}{/target} | The status of the object (in progress vs published |
{#target}{referenceNumber}{/target} | The object’s unique identifier |
{#target}{checkinDate}{/target} | The date the object was published |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The username of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The first name of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The middle name of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The last name of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The full name and username of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The email of the user who last published the object |
{#target}{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy}{/target} | The phone number of the user who last published the object |
{create} | Boolean value for the object’s Create permission (CRUD) |
{read} | Boolean value for the object’s Read permission (CRUD) |
{update} | Boolean value for the object’s Update permission (CRUD) |
{delete} | Boolean value for the object’s Delete permission (CRUD) |
Descriptions can be inserted for an object in EPC. The tags for descriptions are as follows:
The tag must be inserted in the appropriate loop/section. For example, if you want to print the description of a rule associated to an EPC object, you would need to write the following:
{#objects} //open a loop for the objects array
{#object} //open a section for the object
{#rule}{#target} //specify that you want the rule associated to the object
@@richTextDescription:{nodeId}@@ //nodeId will be replaced with the ID of the rule and its description will be inserted
{/target}{/rule} //close the section/loop for rules
{/object} //close the section for the object
{/objects} //end the loop through the objects array
The description of objects is dependent on the Node ID. You must ensure to insert the tag in the appropriate section.
This array may contain multiple objects for each version (e.g. if a rule has 5 published versions, the array will contain 5 objects, one corresponding to each version). Tags in this section must be included in a loop using the “versions” array:
All tags under this header must be within a loop for versions:
{#versions} {version} {/versions}
Tag | Description |
{version} | The version of the object |
{checkinDate} | The publication date of the object |
{checkinBy} | An object containing information on the user who published the object |
{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy} | The username of the user who published the object |
{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy} | The first name of the user who published the object |
{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy} | The middleName of the user who published the object |
{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy} | The lastName of the user who published the object |
{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy} | The name of the user who published the object (FName LName (username)) |
{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy} | The email of the user who published the object |
{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy} | The phone of the user who published the object |
Approval Entries
The approvalEntries array contains the approval cycles done on an object. This array may contain multiple objects per approval cycle.
All tags under this header must be within a loop for approval entries:
Tag | Description |
{#target}{nodeType}{/target} | The type of object being reviewed |
{#target}{name}{/target} | The name of the object being reviewed |
{#user}{username}{/user} | The username of the user who approved/rejected the cycle |
{#user}{username}{/user} | The username of the user who approved/rejected the cycle |
{#user}{username}{/user} | The username of the user who approved/rejected the cycle |
{#user}{username}{/user} | The username of the user who approved/rejected the cycle |
{#user}{username}{/user} | The username of the user who approved/rejected the cycle |
{#user}{username}{/user} | The username of the user who approved/rejected the cycle |
{#user}{username}{/user} | The username of the user who approved/rejected the cycle |
{comment} | The comment associated with the approval cycle |
{status} | The status of the approval cycle (approved/rejected) |
{entryTime} | The time of approval/rejection |
{chainType} | The type of approval cycle (serial/parallel) |
The properties array contain all the UDAs of the object. Each object within the array corresponds to 1 UDA. Tags in this section must be included within a loop using “properties”:
{#properties} {attributeName}: {attributeValueText} {/properties}
Tag | Description |
{attributeName} | The name of the attribute |
{attributeValueText} | The text or number value of single value attributes |
{mandatory} | Boolean for whether the attribute is mandatory |
{type} | The type of UDA (Duration, Number, Text, Multi List, Currency) |
{listItems} | Array for values of the UDA for Multi List attributes |
{#listItems}{indexOrder}{/listItems} | The index order of the multi-value attribute |
{#listItems}{defaultSelection}{/listItems} | Boolean indicating if this UDA is mandatory |
{#listItems}{name}{/listItems} | The selected value(s) of the UDA |
The impacts object contains the impacts of an EPC Object. In this case, the impact list will leave out direct associations since they are already present in the object. For example, roles associated to a risk will not appear in this section, but processes associated to the risk will. There is one array per EPC object type within this section.
Tags in this table must be included in the “impact” section then looped through the appropriate object type:
{#impact}{#processes} {name} {/processes}{/impact}
Object types include:
- Process: {#processes}…{/processes}
- Flow Objects: {#flowObjects}…{/flowObjects}
- Materials: {#materials}…{/materials}
- Documents: {#documents}…{/documents}
- Org Units: {#orgUnits}…{/orgUnits}
- Roles: {#roles}…{/roles}
- Resources: {#resources}…{/resources}
- Assets: {#assets}…{/assets}
- Objectives: {#objectives}…{/objectives}
- KCIs: {#controlIndicators}…{/controlIndicators}
- KPIs: {#performanceIndicators}…{/performanceIndicators}
- KRIs: {#riskIndicators}…{/riskIndicators}
- Rules: {#rules}…{/rules}
- Risks: {#risks}…{/risks}
- Controls: {#controls}…{/controls}
- Entities: {#entities}…{/entities}
- Attributes: {#attributes}…{/attributes}
Tag | Description |
{nodeType} | The impacted EPC Object type |
{name} | The name of the impacted EPC Object |
{nodeStatus} | The status (published vs in progress) of the impacted EPC Object |
{parent} | Object of the parent of the impacted EPC Object |
{#parent}{name}{/parent} | The name of the parent |
{#parent}{nodeType}{/parent} | The object type of the parent |
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