There are many internal tricks and keyboard shortcuts that are inside BaseHead that you might not know about yet. Well….until now ;-)
(Note:Keep in Mind that most the time holding CTRL is for PC users and holding COMMAND is for Mac users!!)
1. Holding Ctrl on PC or Command on Mac when clicking either the database select folder icon or select Transfer Path icon on the info strip will show the current one in Explorer/Finder
2. If you DnD a folder to the Transfer Path icon it will set it this folder’s path as your Transfer Path.
3. If you drag a .npr .cpr .ptf or .ptx file to the Result Page it will set it’s audio files folder as your Transfer Path.
4. Browser Page: If you DnD a folder to this page, that folder will appear in the Browser for quick previewing of the files.
5. After pressing ‘R’ to open the Rename BWAV Description panel and your ready to Inject and close this window. Simply hold CTRL or COMMAND and press ENTER.
No need to click on the ‘Inject’ button with the mouse. This helps speed things up if you are renaming many files at once.
6. While holding Ctrl or Command and clicking of the Volume, Pan or Volume sliders will set them back to default.
7. Holding Ctrl or Command before you DnD from the Results Page will disable “Bring to Foreground” if enabled.
This feature is normally to bring your Target app to the foreground, but sometime your want to drag to another destination so it’s handy to know this one! 8)
8. Tool Tips are you friend! Hover over them to get details explanations of features or key commands that trigger that function that might not be documented yet.
9. If you want to jump around from search box to search box without using the mouse you can hold Ctrl or Command and press ‘D’ , ‘F’ ,‘G’ and ‘H’.
10. After Tagging a bunch of files you can hold Ctrl or OPTION (on macOS) and drag from the DnD Bar instead of the Taglist Page so you never have to look at the Taglist Page and save some mouse clicks!
11. If you drag an image file to the lower part of the Details Panel it will apply it to the selected records. Right Click of it will remove it!.
12. Holding Ctrl when clicking the Rename Tab or *Process Ta*b with Enable or Disable these panels.
12. Clicking the colored number labels under the Taglist Tab and Results Tab will reset them.
13. Holding Shift and using the mouse wheel over the waveform will Zoom In/Out on it.
14. Holding Ctrl while clicking an ‘Import’ ‘Group’ or ‘CloudPack’ will highlight it yellow and will then do focused searches with it.
15. Holding SHIFT at launch will force the non-CM version into Demo Mode. Good for debugging licensing issues.
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