Sygic Navigation saves the previous destinations into History to make it easier for you to navigate to locations you already navigated to in the past. You can also set your own Favorite addresses. For easy access to your contacts, you can navigate to your Contacts directly from the app.

To navigate to an address which is saved in History, just tap into the search bar and the list of previously used locations is immediately shown, until you would start typing a new query into the search field. You can select the address afterwards, tap on Get Directions and on the route selection screen press Start.

To navigate to an address which is saved in your Favorites, tap on the Heart icon in the top right corner of the main screen. The list of your saved Favorites will appear, choose your destination there, tap on Get directions and press Start on the route selection screen to begin navigation.

You can also navigate to an address using the contact list of your phone. If your contact has an address filled out, you can navigate to it using the Contacts list in our app. Tap on the Heart icon on the top right corner of the map screen. Select Contacts, choose a specific one, tap on Get directions and press Start on the route selection screen to begin navigation.


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