In this section you can customize what details you want to see on the map and how the map looks, and also set units for the navigation.

  • Buildings – enable/disable showing 3D buildings
  • Distance units – Changes the distance units which will be shown by the app between metric and imperial. Select from Kilometers, Miles/Yards or Miles/Feet
  • Time format – Changes the time format. Select from System time format, 24:00, 2:00, or 12:00 PM time formats.
  • GPS Coordinates – Changes the format that Location details use to display a location’s GPS coordinates
  • Color scheme – Set the current color scheme to day, night, or let the app change between them automatically based on your current position and time of day.
  • Lock Rotation – Choose between locking the Sygic app in landscape or portrait orientation, or have it be controlled by the system settings.
  • Fullscreen – Toggles fullscreen. When this is off, you can see Android’s information bar at the top of the screen.


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