If you are receiving an error message that the Sygic GPS Navigation app cannot connect to servers in the Menu → Manage Maps section, or in the Sygic Store, then the most common solution to resolve it is to follow these quick steps:

  • launch the app
  • access its menu > Settings,
  • scroll all the way to down and press “Reset to defaults”
  • turn the app off and on again.

If that would not help, you may want to consider the following options:

  1. Turn your device off and on again.
  2. Try using a browser and check if you can access the internet – if you can’t, then it’s likely a network issue, probably a simple router restart will help.
  3. Also check for any firewall or antivirus app that could be blocking it’s access to the internet.
  4. Try connecting using a different network connection


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