How to use CadConnect – Detail screen – Data Field definitions

In the line detail display you have several columns and fields available depending on your needs.

The configuration of the display is done using the standard BC function Personalize

  • Type

Type is normally derived from what you insert – item, routing etc.

Doing this process of course depend on having a bill of material which shall be turned into a production bill of material

  • Level
    System maintained. For reference to specify the structure
  • No
    Item number / Work Center no. / Machine Center no. / Routing no. / Assembly Resource no.
  • No 2
    Item number 2
  • Description
    Item description / Operation description / Routing description / Resource description
  • Description 2
    Item description 2
  • Additional text
    Additional text is for CadConnect use only. There are no transfer to BC.
  • Template Routing no.
    You can type / select an existing routing no. in this field to be used as the routing for the item. The routing operations will be added on the lines below depending on Setup
  • Item type
    This field has 3 possible values – Purchase, Production or Assembly
    When you work with a BOM structure the system will find the most appropriate Type based on BOM relations. However you can overrule this value, in the field “Item Replenishemnt system” for existing items, the value from the item card will be shown
  • Item Replenishment System
    This field can have 3 different values – Purchase, Production or Assembly
    If you want to overrule the values calculated by CadConnect in “Item Type” you can do this by using this field. When creating new items, the value from this field “Item Replenishment System” will be transferred to the Item Card in BC to the field “Replenishment System”.
    The function can be relevant, if you create an item with a BOM but you normally purchase the item.
    Please refer to general Make or Buy considerations
  • BOM Structure
    This value defines what type of BOM will be created for the line Item in case this is a produced item. Production BOM or Assembly BOM. As a default value CadConnect selects from your Setup of the field “Default Structure” but you can change it independently on each line.
  • Quantity
    Component quantity for the line
  • UoM Code
    Unit of measure code. As used in standard BC relating to Quantity. Contains a look up function to the BC Unit of measure file, Imported value, keyed in value or default value.
  • Where-Used
    This is a system maintained field showing single level “where used”. Updated automatically by CadConnect.
  • Setup Time
    Setup time for an operation line
  • Setup Time Unit of Measure Code
    Setup time unit of measure code to be selected
  • Run Time
    Run time for an operation line
  • Run Time Unit of Measure Code
    Run time unit of measure code to be selected
  • Wait Time
    Wait time for an operation line
  • Wait Time Unit of Measure Code
    Wait time unit of measure code to be selected
  • Move Time
    Move time for an operation line
  • Move Time Unit of Measure Code
    Move time unit of measure code to be selected
  • Routing Link Code
    If you want to link material and routing operations to each other, use this field.
  • Vendor No.
    For an item line it is possible to look up in BC vendor file and select a (primary) vendor for this item.
  • Vendor Item No.
    For an item you can key the vendor item number for the selected vendor, in this field.
  • Unit Cost
    For a new item the cost price can be keyed in this field. For an existing item this field will contain the unit cost price from BC.
  • Lead Time Calculation
    Lead time with period indication (e.g. 3M). Standard lead time for purchased items.
  • Gross Weight
    You can enter the gross weight for an item here
  • Net Weight
    You can enter the net weight for an item here
  • Version Code
    Used on Purchased items will update CadConnect version file. Used on Produced items will update Bom. Used on operations will update Routings.
  • Version start
    Will be used as starting date of the version
  • Previous version
    If an active BOM version exists, the version will be shown in this field. For purchased items the previous version relates to the CadConnect version file.
  • Position
    Reference to a position number in the BOM can be keyed here
  • Position 2
    Reference to a position number in the BOM can be keyed here
  • Position 3
    Reference to a position number in the BOM can be keyed here
  • Starting Date
    If you use Effective dates on BOM, components can be time-phased using this field.
  • Ending Date
    If you use Effective dates on BOM, components can be time-phased using this field.
  • Length
    Length of the item in a BOM can be keyed in this field.
  • Width
    Width of the item in a BOM can be keyed in this field.
  • Depth
    Depth of the item in a BOM can be keyed in this field.
  • Calculation Formula
    A calculation formula in a BOM can be keyed in this field
  • First Comment
    Clicking this field will display the screen for adding/editing comments to the line.
    First line of the comments will always be displayed in the CadConnect detail screen.
  • Config. Template / Item Template
    If this is a new item select a item creation template if not using the CadConnect Setup default template
    For setting up and using templates, please refer to the description in CadConnect setup. and extended description in section Using Advanced templates
  • Variant Code
    If you use BC variants connected to items you can select an item variant for use in the BOM.
  • Single-Level Material Cost
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Single-Level Capacity Cost
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Single-Level Cap. Overhead Cost
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Total Cost
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Simulated Unit Cost
    For simulation purposes a new unit cost price can be keyed in this field.
  • Simulated Single-Level Material Cost
    Will be calculated based on Simulated Unit Cost.
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Simulated Single-Level Capacity Cost
    Will be calculated based on Simulated Unit Cost.
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Simulated Single-Level Cap. Overhead Cost
    Will be calculated based on Simulated Unit Cost.
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Simulated Total Cost
    Total of simulated cost elements.
    For further info check out standard BC cost calculation principles.
  • Profit %
    Keyed or calculated value. According to principles from BC Items. See relation to Unit Price.
  • Unit Price
    Keyed or calculated value. According to principles from BC Items. See relation to Profit %.
  • Attributes
    Various attributes can be set up in CadConnect, and depending on Setup the attributes can be shown and maintained on the lines.
    Attributes are always shown in the factbox to the right.


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