System Admins can create & modify home pages. Creating additional home pages allow to separate widgets into separate tabs for easier management. Each EPC can have its own set of home pages.

To add a home page, navigate to the Advanced tab in the System Admin menu. Find the “HOMEPAGE_TABS” key and click on the icon to edit.

The format should be in JSON.

Objects, denoted between brackets { }, should include these attributes:

  • “id” – The order in which the tab will appear in the menu
  • “title” – The title of the home page

Objects and attributes should be separated by a comma (,). All objects must be contained within square brackets [ ]. See code below for an example.

      "title":"My Dashboard"
      "title":"My Forms"
      "title":"My Actions"

The code above will result in this menu:

The tabs will also be shown at the top once the user is viewing a home page:

To delete a home page, simply delete the object contained in brackets { }.


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