This tab displays all the requirements defined in the system. Users will need to deselect any requirements that do not apply to the audit.

  1. Include Previously Imported EPC Requirements: This is a radio button that allows users to select only one option from a set of mutually exclusive options. Users can choose to include or not include previously imported EPC requirements.
    • If Yes is selected, the previously imported EPC requirements will populate the Requirements grid.
  2. Import All: This button allows users to import all requirements to the Summary of Requirements tab.
  3. Import Selected: This button allows users to import selected requirements to the Summary of Requirements tab.
  4. Select All: This button allows users to select all requirements in the grid (for importing purposes).
  5. Deselect All: This button allows users to deselect all requirements in the grid (to cancel import).
  6. Add: This button allows users to add a new audit requirement.
    • If selected, it will open a pop-up window with the Define a New Audit Requirement form. This form is largely a duplicate of the New Requirement form.
      • Unlike the latter form, however, at the bottom of this form, users are given the following options:
        • Save and Return: This button allows users to save the requirement and return to the New Audit Definition form.
        • Save and New: This button allows users to save the requirement and open a new form to create another requirement.
  7. Inline Edit: This button allows users to edit inside the Requirements grid. Here, it specifically allows users to manually select/deselect the Selected for Import checkbox.
    • To edit inline, select the requirement that you want to edit from the grid and click on the Inline Edit button.
    • Click on either the Save button to save your changes or the Cancel button to cancel them.
  8. Export/Template/Import: These buttons allow users to perform Excel-related activities.
    • For more details on these functions, click here.
  9. : This button allows users to view the full contents of the requirement description.
    • If selected, it will open a pop-up window with the information.
  10. Submit Form: This button allows users to submit the form.


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