An image luminance mask isolates an area of the image based on a luminance selection. Luminance masks can be very useful for applying natural color adjustments to the shadows, mid-tones, or highlights of the image, without affecting other areas.
There are no viewer controls for luminance masks, but the viewer provides a real-time representation of the current mask selection, like the example in the second image above.
Sidebar controls
- Invert: Toggles between retaining (the default) or removing the selected luminance range.
- Tone: Selects the primary tonal value on which the selection will be based
- Range: Defines the size of the tonal range surrounding the primary tone that will be included in the selection.
- Softness: Softens the selection at the edges of the selected tonal range. Increasing softness often creates more natural results when color adjustments are applied based on a luminance mask.
Last modified:
3 July 2019
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