The Rain On Glass effect allows you to quickly simulate the appearance of looking through a window covered with raindrops.


Use the simulation controls to set the size and quantity of raindrops.

  • Drops Per Second: Adjusts the number of new drops that hit the frame each second, to control how hard it is raining.
  • Rain Drop Size: Changes the size of the rain drops.
  • Seed: Randomly changes the pattern of the raindrops.


The appearance of looking through glass involves subtly distorting the original image. The Rendering settings control how this is handled.

  • Layer Tiling: Choose how the area around the image will be filled, when it is scaled smaller than the frame.
    • Off: Doesn’t fill around the image. the original layer will be visible around the effect.
    • Tile: Creates rows and columns of the image, to fill the edges.
    • Mirror: Applies a mirrored version of the image to each edge. This is the default method, and usually gives the best result.
  • Layer Scale: Adjusts the scale of the source image within the effect.
  • Glass Thickness: changes the glass distortion applied to the image. Thicker Glass will create more glare on the image.
  • Layer Distance: Adjusts the distance of the image outside of the glass.

Environment Map

Raindrops will contain micro reflections of their surroundings. The environment Map settings define what is contained in those reflections. By default, the layer the effect is applied to is used as the Environment Map.

  • Use Environment Map: Toggles Environment Map on and off.
  • Source: Select the source layer you want to use as your environment map.
  • Amount: The intensity of the environment map reflections
  • Scale: Changes the size of the image within the reflections, to simulate the distance between the raindrops and the environment.
  • Scale Ratio: Adjust the width to height ratio. Environment mapping wraps your selected image into a sphere, which sometimes results in a distorted image. You can compensate for that distortion here.
  • Transform: Rotates the environment map around the X, Y and Z axes.

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