CHCA operates under the supervision of a Board of Trustees (BoT), whose membership is primarily comprised of parent members of the school association, and elected by the association membership. The educational program of the school is directed by an administration comprised of professional educators; the administration is responsible to the Board of Trustees.
In addition to its supervisory function with respect to all CHCA activities, the administration provides information to, and serves as a primary means of communication with CHCA parents.
Involvement Opportunities:
- Parent Teacher Fellowship
- Volunteers
- Paid aides working under the direct supervision of the classroom teacher and the administration
Involvement Guidelines:
- School Authority. Despite their personal and unique perspectives, CHCA parents must ultimately recognize their accountability to procedures established by the Board and the Administration.
- Respecting Classroom Flow. Parents who exercise their privilege to be part of CHCA must avoid disruption of the educational process.
- Respecting Boundaries. While parent views are important and influential upon school policies, it is vital that these views be expressed and carried out appropriately, through constitutionally mandated procedures and, most often, through the established committee structure.
- Confidentiality. From time to time, parents may become aware of personal information related to the school, staff, students or other parents. Please keep all information of a personal nature confidential.
- Respecting Participation Requests. From time to time, the school administration will ask volunteers to follow guidelines or perform duties as a condition of their involvement (i.e. sign forms, submit to finger printing, sign disclosures, etc.).
Last modified:
1 November 2022
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