CHCA values academic excellence, and prompt arrival at school is important for building strong habits that allow for a calm and consistent start of the school day. Numerous absences and tardies negatively impact student achievement because vital information and instruction is missed and is difficult to make up in the same way it was originally presented. This puts a student at an academic disadvantage. Arriving on time begins the day and sets the learning expectation for students and is essential for preparing for the day. Students should arrive at school in time to go to lockers and get settled in before class.


  • If a student does not arrive at school, we want to ensure they are safe. Please submit the online Report Student Absence form no later than 8:30 a.m. on the day your child is not at school.
  • Excessive absences are troublesome for a teacher to deliver the effective instruction that advances student achievement.

See the “Absence Related School Work” handbook section for further information.

Late Arrival:

Late Arrival (a.k.a. tardiness) causes interruptions and distractions for other students that negatively impact the learning environment. Tardy students miss important information from the teacher’s instruction, and ultimately academic achievement is hindered.

  • The parent submits an online Report Student Absence form.
  • 7:30 a.m. is the absolute earliest that students may arrive at school. A student is tardy if he/she is not in their classroom by 7:55 a.m.
  • Late Arrival is tracked daily and falls into two categories:
    • Morning tardiness: When a student arrives in their own classroom after 7:55 a.m. regardless of the time the student arrived at the building.
    • Classroom tardiness: When a student is late arriving to class at any other time during the school day.
  • After 5 tardies in one quarter, the principal will have a conversation with the student and contact the parents notifying them of the issue.
  • Should arriving to school timely become a chronic issue, the Principal will initiate a conversation with the parents to discuss remedies and other consequences.

Early Dismissal:

We encourage parents to schedule appointments after school hours. Students occasionally need to be released early from school for doctor’s appointments and will be permitted to make up any missed class work in a timely manner as determined by the teacher. However, it is important to remember that missing class time can be detrimental to a student’s academic progress as the experiential aspect of the learning process cannot be duplicated at home.

  • The parent submits an online Report Student Absence form.
  • Students should (1) visit front desk for Early Dismissal Slip to present to teacher and (2) check out when leaving.
  • Parents DO need to come in to sign out their child.
  • Upon returning to campus, students may check in at the front desk to pick up a pass for class admittance. Parent does not need to walk student in.

Extended Absence (3 or More Whole Days):

  • While family vacations are important, please schedule them during school breaks.
  • Complete the online Report Student Absence form at least one week prior to the absence.
  • Students should take a printed copy of the confirmation email to each teacher. Once completed, return to front office.
  • Teachers may provide missed work the week prior to departure as is practical. Please be aware that your child may need to complete other missed assignments upon return to school.
Last modified: 13 August 2024


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