The administration of prescription medication to a student during school hours may be deemed necessary by your healthcare provider. Ohio Revised Code 3313.713 states that no prescription medication can be dispensed by CHCA personnel without a consent form signed by parent/guardian and by a healthcare provider. A medication permission form should be completed prior to sending any medication to the school.
To request the assistance of school personnel to give medication:
- Complete the appropriate Medication Permission Form for your student’s grade – this can be found on Magnus Health.
- The parent must sign to authorize the school personnel to administer the medication.
- The healthcare provider must sign to authorize the medication.
- The healthcare provider may return the form to the school via fax or email.
- The parent should bring the medication in a Ziplock bag with the student’s name marked clearly on the bag. All medications must be in their original container and the school clinic cannot give expired medication.
- Prescriptions should be labeled with the student’s name, name of the medication, the dosage, the route, the time to be given, and the healthcare provider’s name.
- Over-the-counter medications must be a new, unopened bottle and labeled with your student’s name.
Students are not allowed to have medications (prescription or nonprescription) on their person, in their backpacks, cars or lockers or self-administer any medications. The exception is Upper School 7-12 students may carry and self-administer asthma inhalers and Epi-pens during the school day and may self-carry medications, if needed, when traveling with CHCA. An Upper School 7-12 Self-Medication Agreement signed by a healthcare provider, parent and student must be on file.
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