If you wish to retain Completed Watched Items this is activated in the options table /BTI/MDE_C_OPT
Option 54 – Activate the New watched items folders
Added an X to this option will suppress the notifications via email and will add the new folders into the Watched Item menu in the Dynamic Work Center.
Option 55 – Setting the Retention Period
Only numbers should be added to the value for this option.
This determines the retention period in days for how long the completed items should be displayed in the Completed Watched folders.
Once the retention period has passed from the completion date of the item the item will be removed from the Completed Watched folders.
If the option priorities are set to Profile. The activation of the Completed Watched Folder can be set for each Profile.
This can be updated in the Profile Manager using transaction code /BTI/MDE_PROF_MGR.
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