It is possible to enhance both a Transport Form and a Task with custom fields that are not simply text. This functionality supercedes “Text Fields” as described in the previous section.
Custom Fields are created and edited by TE Administrators via the TE Windows GUI screen configuration screen. [on the Fields tab]
Custom fields allow the administrator of Transport Expresso to add much more enhanced types of custom fields to either a Transport Form or a Task:
- Text fields – You can now control the number of rows and number of characters that can be entered for a particular Text field
- Drop-down List – You can now allow the user to specify that a field is a single field drop-down list. The possible values the user can enter can be specified (e.g. 0001 = United States, 0002 = United Kingdom etc).
- Selection List – A selection list is similar to a drop-down list but the user can see multiple possible selection lines at the same time; in current TE, it is not possible to select multiuple values.
- Option/Radio-Button
- Check-box – can be created with alignment options of Left of Text, Right of Text or Aligned.
- Date
- Time
- User Selection – pulls user list from those setup in SU01 in the TE Domain Controller.
All custom fields can be marked as optional, mandatory or hidden.
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