The Changes to same objects (Path) analysis can be used to identify if there are other transports in the path that contain the same objects as the transports being analysed.

The analyser can look for the object in other transports i) Forward, ii) Backward or iii) Forward and Backward in the TE path, depending on how it is configured.

Note that another ShiftLeft analyser “Changes to same objects (0048)” can be used to identify other transports containing the same object(s) in the same control point as the transports being analysed.


  • CHECK_BACK_AND_FORWARD: Define whether you want to look only Forward, only Backward or both Backward and Forward in the Path.
  • IGNORE_SAME_TASK: Can be used if you want to ignore other transports assigned to same Business Task that contain the same object(s).
  • KEY_NO_RELATED_VIEWS: By default, when transporting table entries, views that use the same table in key fields will be considered a conflict. This behaviour can be turned off with this flag.
  • KEY_NO_WILDCARDS: If this flag is set, wildcards are not considered when searching for conflicting table entries.


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