多くの動画はVERSION 4.Xで制作されました

Getting Started
Here’s the brand new Getting Started Video for version 4.x Ultra
Watch this first one to get the basics and to get you up and running in no time.


Another video showing using Pro Tools with BaseHead Mac by Jonah Guelzo
Originally posted on ProToolsExpert.com

Jonah originally made this video himself for the love of his new discovery and posted at PTE.
I asked nicely if I can put it up on my site also, so here it is…8)
It’s a great video from a different perspective on how someone will use BaseHead with PT and might be easier to understand than my down and dirty videos for some people….hehe
Thanks Jonah!


Using Nuendo or Cubase with BaseHead
a must watch if you are using one of these Steinberg DAW’s
This Video shows tips on:

  • Auto-Switching Paths
  • Follow Session Folder
  • Tossing files to the POOL
  • Spot to Track and Region Spotting
  • Set permanent SyncPoints in BaseHead that transfer to Nuendo/Cubase


Using Pro Tools with BaseHead
a must watch if you are a Pro Tools user

Shows tips on:

  • Quick Setup with Pro Tools
  • Spot to Track
  • Tossing Files to the Bin Only from the Taglist
  • Auto-Switching Paths/Follow Session Folder
  • Source Nexus Integration


Using the PeekTree
shows how to use the power of this left side panel to the maximum!


Four of the hot new version 4.x Ultra features explained in this video

  • Individual Channel Extraction
  • Batch Tagging
  • Offline Renaming
  • Adding Images/Album Art to your files


Playback Regions & Destructive Editing


Building Waveform Caches
(BaseHead PC)
shows how to build waveforms for all files at once


Using VST’s and ReWirel


Mystery: Where my files at?
Explains when files are copied and sample rate converted and when they are NOT
This Video helps:

  • People that can’t understand why some files seem to go into different locations.
  • People that never read their DAW manual….hahaha


HTTP Playback
Stream audio instead of playing it
This Video helps:

  • Facilities that don’t allow mounting local volumes for security reasons
  • For users that want to put their personal SFX in the cloud


Wwise Integration
WAAPI connect Audiokinetic Wwise to BaseHead
This Video helps:

  • Wwise users looking to speed up their workflow between these two monster programs

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