画面右側 詳細パネル では選択ファイルのメタデータ関連情報を見ることができます。
詳細パネル設定から “User Defined” をクリックし、リスト上のアイコンをクリックすると、詳細パネルの [fields] をカスタマイズすることができます。
NOTE: 幾つかのfields、 [sample_rate] や [bit_depth] などは変更できません。…8)
ほぼ全てのメタデータ編集はこの詳細パネルで行います。一部の作業は、 Rename Panel の Offline Renaming セクション、もしくは ‘R’ ショートカットで [description] をリネームする、といったことは可能です。
Dynamic Display
選択ファイルが保持するメタデータに合わせ Details Panel の表示項目が動的に変化します。
User Definable Display Details Panel のfieldをカスタマイズします。
Auto-Complete Editing
Hide Spectrum Meters
Copy Value of [xxx]
- Remove Entries with [xxx] “XXX” from Database
- Set Entries [xxx] “XXX” to Hidden
- Set Entries with [xxx] “XXX” to Visible
- Search For [xxx] “XXX”
- Create Group from [xxx] – 色付き’Groups’を設定する新しい方法です。
オープンソースな iXMLを使用しています
Open Standards for Life!!
メタデータでけでなく、検索データベースも暗号化していません。SQLite editorで開くことも可能です。拡張性を高くしているため、ユーザーを広げることでより多くの情報を集めることができます。他のプログラムを使用した場合、暗号化されたデータは以下のように見えるはずです。
現状、約35 fieldsではBaseHeadとSteinberg’s Mediabayの間で情報の行き来は可能です。おそらく世界で初めてメタデータをシェアできる環境となっているのではないでしょうか。
Nuendo/Cubase Compatibility:
(Here are a few screen caps to show how BaseHead and Mediabay Translate fields)
BaseHead -> Nuendo
Nuendo -> BaseHead
(version 4.x screenshot, Extra compatible fields have been added in version 5.x)
If you are looking to distribute you SFX to the world and want to make sure your metadata will be read by some (cough cough) “rival” programs then best to ONLY tag your SFX in the 7 fields listed below but makes sure to turn ON the ID3 Chunk Editing in the Metadata Chunk Options Panel first (F4) (Ultra)
This panel can be used to turn on Chunks or off in all three stages from Importing files to Editing them to Transferring and creating new files.
Here is a table to show you what goes where when you tag in these fields in regards to ID3.
WAV and AIF files:
MP3 files:
FYI: BaseHead can now Import/Export various text file formats of all fields that you can also use to import into “rival” programs also now as another option if that is what you prefer
BaseHead Ultra has the ability to add Album Art/Images to files that burn into the ID3 chunk of a file.
Just drag a .gif .png .jpg or .tif to the Details Panel and it will add the artwork to the selected records.
(Right clicking an image will remove it)
Also if you just place images with the same name as the audio file in the folder with wither the extensions (.png, .jpg and .jpeg)
It will show these as priority over any image burnt into the file.
Image files need to conform to normal album art standards.
Usually a perfectly square 300×300 pixel image is best if you want to play it safe.
Here’s is some good info to make sure you are conforming the ID3 standards
This Video includes Batch Tagging and Renaming along with Image Adding!
(version 4.x Video)
wanna see the changes you make live?
This panel shows the raw metadata in the selected files, so you can see exactly what is being changed as you tag your files.
Extra Info about some Chunks we write into:
Your can turn Chunks On/Off at will with the Chunk Panel (F4)
BEXT is slow as sh*t cuz it re-writes to the head of the file, it’s more universal, but the whole file needs to be re-written completely every time to do this.
so editing [description] or anything like [originator] will be slow if this chunk in ON.
ID3 is the chunk used by MP3 file mainly, but is also slow but is only for 6 fields that it writes into
there is no reason to put it ON unless you are selling libraries that need to be read by a certain “rival” program
The [fields] that write into ID3 are the six below…
iXML is the quickest by far cuz it writes to the rear of the files.
If you only care about reading the data in BH then leave the other two off for speed.
Paul Virostek of Creative Field Recording just did a nice write up BaseHead’s metadata editing for beginners.
Check it out Here!!
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