Items throughout the Manual are hyperlinked. Those items are a grayish-green color and regular text is black. You can click on the links to take you to a different section of the Manual that is being referenced or to an outside website. If you are linking within the document, you can use your back arrow in your browser to return to the previous section. Many of the links to the appendices are PDFs. If you prefer to see the PDF on your screen when you click the link, please be sure to download a PDF reader- click here for one option or check with your IT department about a PDF reader that will work best with your system.

As we all know and realize, the publication of a new version of Manuals is a tremendous task. No matter how much the pages have been read, reviewed and edited, it is almost certain that there will be mistakes that were missed, links that do not work or words/sections that should have been underlined because they represent changes in practice. Please join us in the completion process by letting us know when you find a problem, mistake or link issue by emailing our Program Manager, Marc Medwed at We will work diligently to make corrections.