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CENTER: _________________________ DATES OF VISIT: ______________
CENTER ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________

CENTER EDUCATOR:_________________________________________________________________________
NATIONAL SITE TEAM CHAIR: ___________________________________________________________________
TEAM MEMBERS: ______________________________________________________________________________
1. Material Submitted:
___ Accreditation Review Request and Face Sheet (Appendix 3)
___ List of PAG Members
___ History of center’s accreditation (Dates, recommendations, notations, other actions)
___ Record of programs offered since last review: type of program(s), dates, number of students, educator(s). ___ Self-Study/Feasibility Document
___ Annual Reports (up to 4 years); Annual Reports already in BoardEffect do not need to be included).
___ Commission Action Reports from most recent 5 and 10 year reviews Student Handbook(s)
___ Center Disclosure Information (Appendix 4)
___ Appendix 5, Part I and Part II
2. Describe the site team’s pre-visit orientation to its role and responsibilities and actions taken to familiarize the team with ACPE standards and accreditation procedures.
3. Briefly summarize the history and current description of the center, including the pastoral care program/department.
4. Briefly summarize the center’s prior accreditation history. What deficiencies and/or notations were assigned? What concerns were identified? How were concerns, deficiencies, and notations addressed?
5. Assess the center’s self-study/feasibility study process and the resulting document.
6. Describe each aspect of the site visit.
7. List strengths and limitations of the center and its programs.
Be sure to include:
• an assessment of the center’s financial viability to offer programs of CPE as reflected in financial audit statements;
• a description and assessment of center’s measurement of students’ achievement after completing CPE Level I/Level II and Certified Educator CPE.
8. Summarize the center’s compliance with ACPE standards, including Appendix 5, Part I and Part II, providing documentation and citing specific standards for areas where the center is not compliant and for other issues that need to be addressed by the center in its response to the Part I Report.
9. Indicate the timeline for the center response and Part II Report, including the specific dates by which each is due.
a. The Part I Report is due to the Center 14 days after the conclusion of the site visit. Be sure to include Appendix 5 Parts I & II documents with the report.
b. The Center’s Response to the Part I Report is due to the National Site Team Chair 44 days after the conclusion of the site visit (30 days after the 14 day period for receipt of the Part I Report ends).
c. The Part II Report is due to the Center 58 days after the conclusion of the site visit (14 days after the 30 day period for the Center’s Response ends).

In addition to sending the Part I Report to the center, please also send a complete copy to the Area Accreditation Chair and the Accreditation Commission Chair.