A. There shall be two working meetings per year, one at the time of the ACPE Annual Conference and another at the time and place of the annual meeting of the Board and commissions.

B. The chair, in consultation with regional chairs and the ACPE Program Manager sets the meeting agenda.

C. Voting is by simple majority of Commission members, both elected and co-opted. ACPE supervisors who have served on the Certification Commission within the past five years may serve as presenters and/or subcommittee members when co-opted. If necessary the chair will break a tie in the meeting of the whole commission.

D. The chair will appoint a minute-taker for each meeting. The chair submits minutes of meetings to the Board for review and to ACPE for the record. Minutes are available to the ACPE and the Commission within 45 days of the end of the meeting.

E. Guidelines for the minute taker include:

  • Number all pages.
  • Include all attachments.
  • Include a header/footer on each page.
  • Sign the minute taker’s name as recorder.
  • List all certification commission manual changes in a separate section.

F. Certification Commission records policy — Minutes of all Commission meetings are forwarded to the ACPE Program Manager or designee within 45 days of the meeting, along with all handouts, motions, and other materials distributed. The Program Manager or designee will ensure that current minutes are posted to the e-community resource library to make them available to all Commission members. The Program Manager or designee will also post other working documents for commission access.