Accreditation Commission

The Commission will review enrollment and completion data for each accredited center, as well as overall data and trends related to number of accredited centers and student units completed.

• Annually, usually at the Fall meeting, the Commission will review statistical data from an annual staff-generated report to assess overall trends in number of centers, number of student units registered by region, voluntary withdrawals, accreditation actions taken during the year, and other related data.
• Annually, usually at the Fall meeting, the Commission will review a report of all students enrolled and units registered for each center during the previous year (Fall through Summer). Regional Accreditation Chairs will investigate any center’s report of a significant increase in enrollment to verify the center continues to have required resources (faculty, financial support, educational space, etc) to support the increased enrollment or any center’s report of a significant decrease in enrollment to determine the cause. Regional Accreditation Chairs will provide consultation and assistance to such centers as needed and bring to the Commission any recommendations for action.
• At six month intervals, the Commission will review a summary of student units reported during that time period.. Regional Accreditation Chairs will follow up with centers in their region reporting zero credits awarded to determine if there are significant issues in the center and monitor for trends that may signify significant issues.

Accredited Member Centers:

• Retain face sheets for all students who enroll and complete orientation for a ten year period.
• Report annually (Annual Report, Appendix 1, 2016 Accreditation Manual) if the center has met the threshold requirement (75% of students oriented to the program completed the program over the past ten years). The annual report is reviewed regionally.
• Complete a student unit report (enrollment date, completion date, credit awarded) for each student enrolled within 45 days of the end of the unit.

Regional Accreditation Committees:

• Review annual reports for all centers in the region (due January 15 each year).
• Bring a recommendation for action to the Accreditation Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting. for any center found not to have achieved the 75% threshold,

Ten Year Site Reviewers

• Audit at least a 20% sample of student records, reconciling face sheets with student units reported during the ten year review cycle.
• Report findings indicating compliance or noncompliance with Standard 308.10 Over a ten year accreditation period, 75% of students entering units of CPE (Level I/Level II) or Supervisory CPE receive credit for those units.