The Regional Accreditation Committee chair role involves a variety of responsibilities at the regional and Commission level. The expectations outlined below may not include expectations of a particular region.

Proceedings of Regional Accreditation Meetings

• Communicate dates, times, location of bi-annual meetings (Spring and Fall).
• Formulate the working agenda and convene committee meetings.
• Convey and implement financial policy including authorization of expenses.
• Ensure minutes are kept, approved, and disbursed per regional protocol.
• Provide members and the region at large continuing education.
• Instruct site team members about their role and relationship with site team chairs.
• Familiarize committee members with forms and documents for reviews and presentations.
• Educate site team members on criteria to evaluate personal bias versus objectivity.
• Review Code of Conduct for site team members.
• Select, support, and mentor strong site team members.

Lead Responsibilities within the Region

• Master the process and particular paperwork for each type of accreditation review.
• Keep a file of trained, qualified, competent, knowledgeable Site Team Members.
• Retain and manage the master set of regional files on centers.
• Report to the region actions and matters of accreditation.
• Provide the region continuing education regarding accreditation.
• Serve as liaison between the region and Commission for questions or concerns.
• Consult with supervisors, centers and potential host centers for new programs.
• Receive copy of notification of supervisory changes.
• Discover and monitor vacancies to avert forfeiture of accreditation.
• Take and address postponement requests noting the cycle date is unchanged.
• Accept copies of substantive change in centers or programs.
• Grant or deny provisional approval.
• Interface with the Commission about a called review or adverse action.
• Manage findings of cross-commission concern about ethics or certification.
• Understand in detail the time cycle for requests to come to the Commission.
• Provide promptly to the Commission Chair all regional actions and/or concerns.
• Consult, provide clarification, and/or hear and process accreditation concerns.
• Monitor compliance that ACPE CPE and CPSP CPE are not offered at the same center in a CPE Center accredited by ACPE, Inc.
• Report commission actions to centers within your region.
• Monitor Lack of response to notations:

- February 1st and August 1st, send a reminder email to centers with notations due respectively on March 1st and Sept 1st and save email for documentation;
- Verify that all centers’ responses to notations due by March 1st and Sept 1st are submitted;
- If a center does not submit the response on time, send an email reminder that the response is late, a 300.1 notation will be assigned in the next meeting, and, if response is not received, the Commission will have to take further action.
- Documents the communication and reports to the Commission at the next meeting

• Keep the region’s centers’ accreditation histories:

- History of notations assigned, removed, recurrences and extensions;
- Documentation of center/accreditation communications;
- Documentation of phone calls through a follow up email; and
- Documentation of important facts and events

Regional Chair’s own center self-report, notations, reviews, etc.
Regional chair asks the regional committee to assign a chair of record to handle all accreditation matters for the regional chair’s center and copy the Commission Chair on correspondence and final recommendation.