When you know the coordinates of your destination, this can also be entered into the search bar. Coordinates are commonly used in a few different formats.
The first is the degrees, minutes, and seconds format, for example you get coordinates like this – N48°08′35″ E17°07′50″. These could be entered into the search bar without the special characters: N48 8 35 E17 7 50
Another format is Degrees and decimal minutes – N48° 8.583′ E17° 7.833′. Similarly, you would search for it in Sygic without the special characters: N48 8.583 E17 7.833
Lastly, the Decimal degrees format which looks like this: 48.146718 17.132678. You would enter this into Sygic the same way. This format will often not use the letters to mark North/South/West/East. Instead, positive numbers will mean North or East coordinates, and a minus „-“ sign is used at the start of the number if it’s a South or West coordinate.
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