In the Display category you can enable or adjust the following functions:
- Place on route – lets you modify displaying of Places (formerly called Points of interest) which are nearby your route while navigating, on the left edge of the screen. The options are: Off – Disables displaying of Places. Always on – Shows all enabled Places on the map view screen. Select categories – Pick which category of Places you want to see on your route.
- Lane guidance – This feature provides a basic dynamic view on your screen while navigating, which includes information about available lanes on your current route.
- Junction view – Displays a preview of the junction ahead, if available. You can cancel a displayed Junction by tapping the screen once when navigating.
- Traffic info – This setting works only if the feature is purchased and activates the display of the Traffic information service in Sygic.
- Zoom control – Enables the display of the Zoom controls buttons, which effectively zoom in or out of the main map screen.
- Current street – Displays the current street name
- Signpost info – Displays information of the upcoming signpost
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